I go to rock shows and yes, I do rock the party that rocks the
body. That's common sense. Last night I suffered every stock rock
miscreant. You probably know what I mean here. There are certain
guarantees at every live show in every ramshackle, drinking-wristband-at-the-door
club in the world (speaking of which, I woke up with last night's
outpatient-style wristband still secured around my massive wrist
and thought it would be entertaining to write "NARCOTICS
OVERDOSE" across it before I left the apartment for a job
meeting today). Here are the characters who tried to ruin the
The Makeout Couple loves each other deeply, no matter where they
are. Every band in the universe causes the Makeout Couple to reflect
on their mutual adoration -- there is no genre or subgenre of
music that is not romantic to these kids. Better still, the level
of their affection is usually unrestricted by crowds, public lewdness
ordinances, etc. Nothing unlocks the fairytale sweetness of bands
like Unsane and Atari Teenage Riot like being wedged behind the
Makeout Couple.
Some people know all the words to every song of every band they've
ever seen live. to test this power of retention, Karaoke Johnny
will gladly sing along with the band (or, better still, one beat
before -- so we know he ain't faking). This helpful service ensures
that all others attending the concert know 2 important things:
1) KJ really likes this band, probably more than you do, and 2)
sadly, KJ has never been a band of his own. Stuck on a lyric that
the band just sang? Ask Karaoke Johnny -- he's probably standing
directly behind you.
There's no better place to light your cigarette up than when your
crammed into a small, unventilated space with 800 of your best
friends. I don't smoke, and I don't mind smoking -- I think it's
pretty cool, in fact. And Mister Smoke knows this too. That's
why he doesn't ask you if it's cool that he's smoking some all-natural
American Spirits within inches of your face. Yay for Mister Smoke
-- a real american classic. (by the way, nothing highlights the
flaws in your face more than lighting up a cigarette in an otherwise
dim-dark room. it's like sharing a quick diagram of your pores
with everyone else.)
It's not so much their appearance as their placement in the crowd.
Usually it's in front of your undersized girlfriend. Giants are
friendly but not always smart.
Usually precocious, always entertaining, Pulcinella is a cunning
child, capable of avoiding danger by cleverly diverting the wrath
of his superiors. He is wont to play a prank or two on his elders
as he clamors for power in an adult's world, vying with peers
Brighella, Columbina, and Arlecchino. Oh, Pulcinella, you inimitable
