A typical Canadian dinner is eaten in four courses a starch
course, a meat course, a root vegetable course, and a doughnut
course. The meal is generally inaugurated with a portion of toasted,
lightly salted tree bark. (In certain northern areas of Canada,
most notably Newfoundland, where strict laws prohibit deforestation
for culinary purposes, a variation of this appetizer can be found.
Here, instead of tree bark, one traditionally serves losing lottery
Be careful! Please resist the temptation to fill up on tree bark
because in Canada, where martial law has been imposed since 1973,
it is considered a federal crime to refuse meat. This might explain
why a member of The Royal Canadian Queens Protectorate
Canadas equivalent of the National Guard - serves the meat
course while armed sentries block all possible exits, with shoot-to-kill
instructions. (Waiters in many of Canadas four-star restaurants
are required to complete six months of military training and two
weeks of sommelier instruction before serving food or shooting
If entertaining Canadians in your home, restaurant, or international
airport detention cell, the best way to cure their homesick blues
is by preparing a large plate of Goulet Frâiche.
Goulet Frâiche is as basic as Canadians themselves. It is
essentially a three-pound roast of beef stuffed with hard-boiled
eggs, dried leaves, and several microscopic cameras. The cameras
are, of course, used to record evidence of the meat being ingested
by each diner. Once the meats evacuation from the body has
been video-documented and an official statement contending this
fact is signed and notarized, the armed sentries flip their high-powered
rifles to the safety position in perfect synchronization,
exit and regroup in another location where meat is being served,
and the next course is readied.
While elk is the meat that most commonly anchors Goulet Frâiche,
it is not cheap and can actually be very dear out of season. Canadians
who can provide proof that their mean household income falls below
3 million Canadian dollars (this is equivalent to roughly 9,000
American dollars) are allowed substitutions. For instance, with
the proper licenses, they can prepare Goulet Frâiche with
beaver or housecat, provided they affix a small set of antlers
to the animals head before slaughtering it. The antlers
are available in most supermarkets or, in the United States, at
most specialty Canadian import markets. (The unauthorized Michael
Ironside biography,The Guy from Scanners, is also available
exclusively at these import markets.)
After meat, dinner guests are presented with course number three
root vegetables. Usually, a photograph of carrots or beets
will suffice. When presented with the photograph the guest may
proclaim, lovely, as is customary, then douse the
image in kerosene, ignite it on a clean dinner plate and, once
its ashes are removed from the table, doughnuts are served.
The doughnut course is rather unspectacular, except for one noteworthy
detail. There are no restrictions or preferences regarding the
correct type of doughnuts to serve. However, choosing a cinnamon-powdered
doughnut is punishable by death according to Canadian laws. The
upside of this is Canadians are permitted to choose their own
form of capital punishment and most citizens choose death by tongue
bath. Bon Appetit! Or, as Canadians say, Eat quickly, and
then get out of my face, dickhole. (It should be noted that
this is usually said under some duress.)
The art of tattooing is exactly as old as the advent of alcohol.
Early Man had neither the excellent technology nor the seemingly
unlimited number of design choices the contemporary tattoo artist
has at the ready, but he had friends in the Navy and the rest
is history. The first caveman tattoo designs were, if you'll forgive
me, primitive and limited to things like stick figures throwing
spears at dinosaurs, or three crooked, almost parallel lines,
or a small rose. However, most people felt superstitious about
tattoos and preferred more accessible fashions - deep gashes filled
with dung were very popular.
It wasnt until almost three hundred years later
in the late nineteenth century that tattoos became widely
fashionable among the worlds tastemakers. Well-known historical
figures with tattoos included Clara Barton (on her thigh - the
grim reaper); Robert E. Lee (across his shoulder blades - Born
To Lose); and Toulouse Lautrec (on his upper-arm
Born Toulouse). (That sentence also marks the occasion
of my worst joke of 2001. Light a candle, please.)
Then, inexplicably, throughout most of the twentieth century,
tattoos went through yet another dark period. They became a form
of decoration common among roughneck sailors, drifters, and motorcycle
gangs and carried with them very negative associations until the
late nineteen-eighties. Suddenly a tattoo renaissance began and
even now, fifty years later, tattoos remain with every type of
individual, providing that individual practices witchcraft.
A lot of myths surrounding tattooing have kept some of the more
sensitive witches and warlocks and sorority pledges out of tattoo
chairs. Heres a common one: the more color you get in your
design, the more it hurts. Well, it is true that yellow hurts
more than purple but its actually not the large blocks of
color that you have to be concerned about; its the dumb
designs. The more foolish the design, the more pain you should
expect. For instance, even a full-sleeve design depicting a flaming
skull with bleeding eye sockets rising from a ghost-filled graveyard
and biting into the actual flesh of the tattoo-wearers arm
will cause almost no pain, while a tiny blue dolphin on your ankle
could put you in a coma for up to three weeks. Tribal cuff
tattoos are painless if youre a member of an actual tribe
but if the tribe you belong to is called Morgan Stanley,
getting a tribal tattoo has been known to cause renal failure
and long periods of regret.
Not sure what kind of design suits you best? Who is, honestly?
But its not like its permanent, so have fun. If youre
still stuck for ideas, here are some reliable suggestions. A heavily
detailed butterfly design looks great on ladies and gay Asian
men. If youre over 70 years old, you should consider something
like a full-back treasure map leading to the Nazi gold, or instructions
for self-administering insulin. (Be sure to get it tattooed large
on backwards, so you can read it in the mirror.) And if youre
a teenage boy, consider this very popular idea: Mount Rushmore,
with the heads of our nations great presidents replaced
with likenesses of Fred Durst, Jet Li, Wolverine, and Harrison
Ford. (Because, with respect to this nations great history,
you should still include at least one President.)
I cant even touch this one.