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[Update: my guest editor had to push back a day because of some scheduling conflicts. I received the following txt message an hour ago: "doin a dbl 2day baller. bizness. 2morrow mos def. out." So, tomorrow?]

I am about to do something at tremble that I've never considering doing before: I'm going to be handing the site over to its first guest writer.

Guest writers are something I've often enjoyed on other single-author websites like, but I've always been reluctant about trying it myself. I get a little protective about this site's voice because I've spent so many years meticulously shaping it, and then abandoning it for many months, and I worry about diluting or perverting the Trembleā„¢ brand. What if my guest writer emphasizes his jokes with three exclamation points, instead of the signature seven I typically employ? Or what if the writer gets all bitchy about the wrong movies, or gets all excited about the wrong kinds of candies? Knowing that certain editorial decisions will be out of my hands is a little stressful to me, but after being contacted by this individual who casually suggested dropping in for a brief guest writing spot on tremble, I was honestly too floored to react with anything but an emphatic "YES!" This person has had an incredible year, and I'm simply honored he was able to find time for me.

OK, I will try to resist saying much else about it because I don't want to generate an impossible-to-fill reservoir of hype. Suffice it to say, beginning tomorrow this site will (at least temporarily) possess an unusually generous amount of gravitas.

WE FIRST MET ON 05.19.2008

it's just a line; don't worry too much
read the archives, please. does that make me gay? meet the author, more or less. this is the email link you were perhaps looking for