I want to apologize for two things: first, being pretty delinquent lately, with regards to our time together. You know I would only ignore you if my life were going really, really well. Or if I were spending every free minute trying to figure out how to store my vast CD collection in the new apartment. Your pick. It's one of those, though.
The second thing I wanted to apologize for was addressing you, The Reader, as if you're some collective person. Like, my pen pal. It's just weird, and probably a bit narcissistic for me to think you require some kind of explanation for the lack of new things on this site lately. I mean, seriously.
Also, here's something I'll apologize for tomorrow when the show's over:
TONIGHT is THE STRIP SHOW! A comedy spectacular created and hosted by myself and Bob "Girls Are Pretty" Powers, featuring some of the funniest, and most original comic strips out there, and the beautiful minds that create them. I've been told that almost all the advance tickets are sold out already, but there's still hope. Click on Ziggy for show details: